A cron job is an automated task, which executes a certain action - generally running a script in a web hosting account. The task is planned, so it will run on a regular basis - weekly, daily, hourly etc. There are many reasons to use a cron job for your websites. For example, you may get daily reports how many site visitors have registered on your site, some temp folder may be emptied automatically per week or a backup of the content may be generated in a separate folder within your web hosting account. Using cron jobs can help you with the management of your websites because you can get many things completed automatically and have reports about them, in lieu of spending time and efforts to complete them by hand.
Cron Jobs in Cloud Hosting
When you get any of our cloud hosting plans, you're able to set up cron jobs with a few clicks using your Hepsia Control Panel even when you have never done that before. Hepsia is very intuitive, so rather than writing numbers and asterisks on specific positions, which is the common way to create a cron job, you'll be able to pick the minutes, hours or days some script needs to be executed using very simple drop-down navigation. The latter is done from your Cron Jobs section of the Control Panel and, naturally, you can use the first method too, when you are experienced enough and you prefer it. In both cases, you'll have to type in the path to the script that will be executed as well as the path to the PHP, Python or Perl system files in your account. The last mentioned is included in the Control Panel and you are able to copy/paste it, still if you encounter any issues, you can always get in touch with your support team.
Cron Jobs in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Installing a cron job in our system is very simple. Once you sign in to the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all the semi-dedicated server accounts, you are able to go to the Cron Jobs section where you just need to select the directory path to the script file to be run and the command path for the particular language the script was designed in - PHP, Perl, Python, Bash. You are able to find the latter within the Control Panel, so you can copy and paste it with a few clicks. After that, select the time period for the cron using drop-down menus for the months, days, hours or minutes and you'll be all set. Our cron job setup wizard makes the entire process very simple and intuitive, so you will not have any problems if you don't have previous experience. In case you are more tech-savvy, you may also take advantage of the conventional cron format with the two paths, digits and asterisks typed on a single line.