The term "disk space" is oftentimes called "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these terms mean the exact same thing - the amount of info that you can upload to a cloud hosting account. The overall size of everything you have is estimated by accumulating the storage space consumed by all the content within the account, the most apparent being the types of files that you upload. Two more things are generally ignored by various users, though - e-mails as well as databases. Sizable attachments and databases of big script-driven websites can often need a lot of disk space as well. In order to employ a more common analogy, the disk space of your personal computer is consumed not only by files that you download, but additionally by documents you make along with software programs you add. Likewise, numerous things are counted for the disk space that your content uses on a web site hosting server, not just the uploads.
Disk Space in Cloud Hosting
In order to suit the processing power behind our cloud website hosting packages, we've taken into consideration and applied the perfect system for the disk space - your account is not generated using a single server, but on a cluster system. Due to this fact, what we have built is an entire cluster of servers which is centered on the file storing only, therefore you should never concern yourself with running out of hard drive space and having to switch to a new server since your existing one can't accommodate more information. When an additional space is required, we simply attach more machines to our cluster, so the storage space is practically unlimited. Needless to say, all our Linux cloud hosting were made to be used for websites, not for a collection of big files. We have individual machines for your databases as well as the e-mail messages.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With all of our semi-dedicated server packages, the disk storage feature is not limited, so that you will be able to concentrate on creating your sites the way you like and not worry about hitting some limit. Unlike many hosting providers that set up your accounts using one server, we employ a custom cloud platform, which allows us to offer truly unlimited hdd space for each and every account. With a single machine, there are only so many HDDs which you can use, not mentioning that the most popular hosting Control Panels are simply not meant to work with more than one server simultaneously. Our system, by contrast, functions with clusters of servers for the web site emails, databases and files, and our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We can add as many servers to all of the clusters as needed any time, so that the hdd space is practically inexhaustible.
Disk Space in VPS Hosting
The disk storage that we supply with our virtual private servers varies depending on the package that you select at the time you register. By using a more powerful server, you'll be able to easily operate several sites, meaning more content, thus the greater the VPS plan, the more disk storage you'll have at your disposal. Shifting from one plan to another will take just a couple of clicks and it will not involve any kind of service disruption. Your web site files, databases and emails will share the the whole amount of space your server contains, but if you'd rather to get preset allocations, you'll be able to pick cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel throughout the ordering process. Both instruments will enable you to generate website hosting accounts with restricted hdd space and when required, even to allocate space from one existing account to another. Using the third choice that you'll find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage space.
Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting
Selecting Linux dedicated hosting services you will get all of the hard disk space that you will need for your web sites, databases, email messages and apps. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage space will be at your disposal and not shared with anybody else, therefore you can upload all the data you'll need - site files, personal or company archive backups, etcetera. You'll get no less than two separate hard disk drives that work in RAID, so one drive will mirror the other one in real time in order to make sure that all of your precious data is always protected. If you like, you're able to use the HDDs independently and take advantage of the entire storage space the way you see fit. When needed, it is possible to get additional hard drives connected to the server and enjoy even more storage space. You will have the option to create hosting accounts with fixed hdd space allowances if you get the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the website hosting Control Panel. Selecting Hepsia, which is the third Control Panel option on the order page, all of the domains hosted on the server will share the HDD storage space and they'll be managed from a single account. In each case, our dedicated plans will satisfy all your requirements whatever the type of site you would like to host.