Tech Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A Sixty–Minute Response Guarantee

  • We offer a 60–minute response warranty for each ticket or email that you send to the client care team. We’ll quickly respond to all the standard questions and forward right away the matter to our sysadmins if any additional assistance is needed. If you order our Admin Services package, we’ll carry out any of the included server management services at a time that has been discussed with you in advance.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Premium Support Service

  • If you require any help while working with the Website Control Panel or with any of the apps that we have installed on the dedicated server on your behalf, you can contact the tech support staff anytime via the ticketing system. Besides, should you need assistance managing your dedicated hosting server, you can order our Admin Services package, that includes OS updates on a weekly basis, installation and troubleshooting procedures, server monitoring and rebooting services, backup hard disk space, etcetera.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • Each Linux dedicated hosting server is fitted out with our free–of–cost Website Control Panel, which features a circumstantial knowledge base plus a collection of step–by–step video tutorials. Whenever you need assistance while working with the Website Control Panel, just push the Help or Videos buttons situated in the upper right corner.