24x7 Support

24x7 client assistance

TronLite Web Services’s crew of professional consultants is working 24x7x365 for any problems that you may have concerning our semi-dedicated services. Regardless of whether you call for suggestions or have a critical difficulty to overcome, we are here to show you how to. You could write to us by email or via the ticketing system. An one–hour response is guaranteed. You might also ring us on the telephone or employ the online messaging support during company hours.

24x7 Support

SSH Access

Free of cost SSH access privileges for your machine

To help you interact directly with your server, without needing to use the Website Control Panel, we incorporate SSH access rights with your Linux semi-dedicated server. With this functionality, you will be able to easily work with your data files, databases and domain names via your console. Nonetheless, as you will share the server with some other users, there’ll be no no option to alter the server’s setup.

SSH access is included as an add-on service with the smaller package, and as a completely free add-on with the bigger setup.

SSH Access

Free Dedicated IP

Free dedicated IP for your server

A 100 % free dedicated IP address is included as a special feature with the Semi-dedicated 2 setup. You can easily make use of it to set up your own name servers that can point to your unique IP address or even to instantly set up an SSL certificate for your personal site.

You are able to take advantage of the dedicated IP just after you connect to your Website Control Panel. In addition, you can always get other IP addresses through the Website Control Panel. We have tried our best to provide you with the very best rates available on the market.

Free Dedicated IP

Web Stats

Website Control Panel–integrated site reports

From the Application Installer, you will be able to both deal with and supervise your web pages. Every single semi-dedicated service has a set of web reports software tools. You may see them in the Stats Manager section of the Website Control Panel. You could employ the typical AWStats and Webalizer software tools or make use of our newly released, comprehensive stats software, that delivers a useful web analytics interface. With TronLite Web Services, you can learn in–depth information regarding your site’s traffic and visitors directly in your Website Control Panel.

Web Stats

  • Service guarantees

  • All of our semi-dedicated services are setup for you at no extra cost. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access rights. Cost–free Control Panel provided.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a look at our charges and decide on the ideal semi–dedicated server for your fast growing websites. Move up to a more advanced server set–up with only a click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Make contact with us at any moment by email or through the Control Panel built–in ticketing system. 1–hour response time warranty.